All Classes and Interfaces

Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
Applies CustomLayout to the given CyNetworkView with specific Tunable parameters.
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
listener for the disease color button which calls the function to color nodes according to their disease classes and puts a legend into the results panel if it is not already there
This interface handles the database connection for all database functions
Implementation of the DatabaseManager to handle api connection
Class that contains all the properties for constant values.
simple function to map the color codes to the corresponding colours and names
Class that loads all the data for the table networks.
Class to manage all the parameters relative to the diseases attributes of the cytoscape table.
Class to manage all the parameters relative to the gene attributes of the cytoscape table.
Class to manage all the parameters relative to the gene attributes of the cytoscape table.
Class that loads the DISGENET style if the current session of the user doesn't contains it.
helper class to download extract the database file
Task class to create a new network with the selected nodes from a previous task.
general helper class to download files and extract them; used to download database file
this class handles all the settings from the gui panel and is used to hand them over to the functions that create the networks
this class simply holds all strings used in gui panel
This class generates the main gui panel with the options and buttons that call the functions to create networks, colour nodes,...
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
Class to handle the clicking of the create network Button
part of event handler class to allow updating the progress bar from different task
part of event handler class to allow updating the progress bar from different task
part of event handler class to allow updating the progress bar from different task
Main class for - creating the networks - creating networks with edge attributes - creating additional attributes - handle the progress listeners - retrieve all node names from current net for search - marking nodes from search
This class defines the executeQuery() method, which is similar to Statement.executeQuery() method.
Class that handles the display of gene nodes in networks containing variants.
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
just some error messages; only used for DB connection so far
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.