Class DataSetLayoutProperties

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    idare.imagenode.internal.IDAREService, Serializable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AbstractArrayDataSetProperties, MultiArrayDataProperties

    public abstract class DataSetLayoutProperties
    extends Object
    implements idare.imagenode.internal.IDAREService, Serializable
    DataSetLayoutProperties allow the use of a specific class of DataSets for multiple different layouts. They contain information about localisation preferences and can provide different DataContainers (and thus layouts). The DataSetProperties should be independent of the DataSet they are used with. i.e. they should be able to check, whether a DataSet can be used with these properties and assume, that any request for a Container will provide a dataset that matches.
    Thomas Pfau
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataSetLayoutProperties

        public DataSetLayoutProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getItemFlexibility

        public abstract boolean getItemFlexibility()
        Get information whether this dataset can be layouted flexibly or whether it has to obay the precisoe dimensions provided.
        whether this container has a flexible layout.
      • getTypeName

        public abstract String getTypeName()
        Get the type of DataSet (this can be used for display purposes
        the type name of these properties
      • testValidity

        public abstract void testValidity​(DataSet set)
                                   throws WrongFormat
        Test, whether the provided DataSet is valid to be used with these properties.
        set - the DataSet to test
        WrongFormat - if the supplied set cannot be used.
      • getDataSetDescriptionPane

        public abstract JPanel getDataSetDescriptionPane​(JScrollPane Legend,
                                                         String DataSetLabel,
                                                         ColorMap map,
                                                         DataSet set)
        Plot the Legend for this Dataset.
        Legend - The Legend the returned Panel will be added to (to listen to resize events.
        DataSetLabel - the Label of the DataSet these properties are used for
        map - the colormap used for the corresponding dataset
        set - the dataset for which to generate a DescriptionPane
        a JPanel that contains descriptive information about the provided dataset and its visualisation.
      • getWorkingClassTypes

        public abstract Collection<Class<? extends DataSet>> getWorkingClassTypes()
        Get the DataSet class Types these Properties are supposed to work with.
        All Classes these properties can be used for.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Two Datasetproperties are equal, if they have the same Type name.
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Override the ToString Method
        toString in class Object