### NEWS: ReNE Paper Published
ReNE paper has been published on Plos ONE Journal. The paper can be found at the following link: [http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0115585 (PlosONE ReNE Link)]
### ReNE
ReNE (REgulatory Network Enhancing) Plugin allows users to enhance standard KEGG/Reactome pathways with information regarding: Transcription Factors, Proteins and MicroRNAs. Such enhancement allows to better understand/inspect possible regulatory motifs which involve entities commonly not presented into pathways.
Enhanced pathways may be also exported for Boolean Network simulation, for further analysis with the BNToolkit (available for free on http://www.testgroup.polito.it/index.php/bio-menu-tools/item/208-boolean-regulatory-network-simulator).
Plugin is still under development, so community suggestion and contributions are more than welcome.
**Known Bug:**
Installing ReNE after the installation of PetriScape results in a wild cytoscape loop. We are investigating this fact in collaboration with the Cytoscape Dev Team. While we are still searching for a definitive solution, if you experience any similar problem you can still correctly run ReNE by stopping the execution of PetriScape, then enabling ReNE.