
Performs ID mapping using BridgeDb and other public or custom database sources.
The BridgeDb App (previously known as CyThesaurus in Cytoscape 2.8) is a Cytoscape app that performs identifier mapping services based on various resources. BridgeDb provides utilities for mapping attributes of source ID types to new attributes of destination ID types. Currently, the application supports ID mapping resources from delimited text, BridgeDb file, BrigeDb web service, and BioMart web service. This app utilizes the [ BridgeDb API]. The BridgeDb project also provides the relational database content for WikiPathways, Pathvisio, GenMAPP-CS, and many other bioinformatics tools, which is in turn primarily based on content and relationships extracted from Ensembl database resources.

Works with Cytoscape 3.1

Apps that depend on this release

Release Notes

A few minor improvement on the user interface including linking to BridgeDb Derby file directory and some minor change of terms such as from "attributes" to "columns".

Works with Cytoscape 3.1

Release Notes

Fixed a few minor issues.


Works with Cytoscape 3.1

Release Notes

First version that supports Cytoscape 3.x. Currently the application supports ID mapping resources from delimited text, BridgeDb file, BrigeDb web service, and BioMart web service. It is based BridgeDb API 1.1.0.



Released 2 Jun 2014

Works with Cytoscape 3.1

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