
Summarizes how individuals are connected by building networks where nodes represent authors and edges represent publications.
The Social Network Cytoscape app creates a visual summary of how individuals are connected. Biological networks can be visualized and analyzed using Cytoscape. Often researchers want to go beyond the network of proteins or genes and also look at the inter-connectedness between colleagues and institutions. Who tends to publish together? What institutions are most collaborative? Are there inter-disciplinary connections in my institution? The app addresses these questions by building co-publication networks where nodes represent authors, edges represent co-authorship and how frequently co-authors collaborate is indicated by the thickness of an edge.


Works with Cytoscape 3.2

Release Notes

- Fixed issue with Pubmed urls


Works with Cytoscape 3.2

Release Notes

- Added charts


Works with Cytoscape 3.2


Version 1.3.0

Released 5 Dec 2016

Works with Cytoscape 3.2

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