Pathway Scoring Application

Evaluates the biological activity of genes and processes in pathways
--- **Pathway Scoring Application** evaluates the activity of cell signaling pathways by utilizing gene expression and ChIP-seq data. The user can upload any KEGG pathway or provide a custom network. The algorithm uses the pathway topology and maps the experimental data onto protein nodes as scores, which are transferred over the pathway by traversing the topology until a pre-defined biological target process is attained. Node scores are transferred en route to the pathway to form a final activity score that describes the biological response of a specific process in the pathway while enriching the gene scores. For the user manual, please visit the [ Tutorial] page. Reference: Isik Z. *et al.*, A signal transduction score flow algorithm for cyclic cellular pathway analysis, which combines transcriptome and ChIP-seq data, *Mol. BioSyst.*, 8, 3224-3231, 2012 [ Pubmed] ---


Works with Cytoscape 3.0


Version 3.0.2

Released 4 Nov 2013

Works with Cytoscape 3.0

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