This app is an application of the ModuLand method family ([ PLoS ONE, 7, e12528]) determining and visualizing overlapping network modules (clusters/communities) by calculating the assignment strength of each node to each discovered module. The app builds the hierarchy of network modules, where meta-nodes of the higher layer are the modules of the lower layer. The app also calculates a number of topological measures such as community centrality, bridgeness and overlap, characterizing the centre of modules, as well as intermodular nodes between two or more modules, respectively.
Tested on:
* macOs Mojave 10.14.1 with Cytoscape 3.7.0 and Oracle Java 1.8.172
* Ubuntu 16.04 with Cytoscape 3.7.0 and Oracle Java 1.8.172
* Windows 10 with Cytoscape 3.7.0 and Oracle Java 1.8.172
The app is further described here: Szalay-Beko, M., Palotai, R., Szappanos, B., Kovács, I.A., Papp, B. and Csermely, P. (2012) ModuLand plug-in for Cytoscape: extensively overlapping network modules, community centrality and their use in biological networks. Bioinformatics, 28, 2202-2204,
(**Warning**: in case you download the plugin to a folder with a path containing your username at your computer, and your username contains a space, Cytoscape will not recognize the plugin. You may avoid this problem by downloading the plugin and Cytoscape to a folder with a path that does not contain any spaces.)