
An App to Link Networks with Excel Files
# FileWatcher The FileWatcher app offers a link between excel and CSV sheets and Cytoscape. By linking a file to a network, the app automatically loads any changes in the spreadsheet to the tables in Cytoscape, for any matched columns. Its in a BETA Stadium and currently offers to listen to changes in xls and csv files. For issues and feature requests please visit the [github page]( and submit an issue. ## Usage: When installed select a network that you want to listen to changes in a xls or csv file. Go to Apps -> Add File To Watch You can select a file to watch and the column to map as well as the Cytoscape table to map to. The data from the excel sheet will be loaded automatically into cytoscape (be aware, that while each column can contain different datatypes in excel or csv files, they have to be consistent for Cytoscape, so only use one type of data per column). Columns not in the Cytoscape network will be added.


Works with Cytoscape 3.4


Version 0.0.1

License Click here

Released 24 Feb 2017

Works with Cytoscape 3.4

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