**EntOptLayout 2.1 is here!<br/>
Check the [http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/entoptlayout#cy-app-releases-tab Release History] for more info!**
The goal of this project to implement a graph layout / network visualization algorithm using a recently published relative entropy optimization based method, called Unified Data Representation ([Kovács IA et al. Sci Rep. 2015](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep13786)). If you are using the plugin, **please cite**:
*Ágg B, Császár A, Szalay-Bekő M, Veres DV, Mizsei R, Ferdinandy P, Csermely P and Kovács IA (2019) [The EntOptLayout Cytoscape plug-in for the efficient visualization of major protein complexes in protein-protein interaction and signalling networks](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/35/21/4490/5475596), Bioinformatics 35(21):4490-4492*
Our detailed **Tutorial** on the use of the plugin: [EntOptLayout Tutorial](https://suopte.com/entopt_2_1_tutorial_20200518.pdf)
A **video** about the version 2.1: [EntOptLayout Tutorial Video](http://suopte.com/entopt_2_1_tutorial_video.mp4)
This is an **open source** project, hosted on SourceForge. You can check the source code and issue support tickets here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/entopt/
Don't hesitate to send any questions, comments or bug reports also to *agg.bence {at} med.semmelweis-univ.hu*. Any feedback from You is most welcomed!
Good Luck and Have Fun :)