
Pathway Commons (BioPAX L3 database) web service GUI client app
A GUI web service client app for the Pathway Commons integrated BioPAX pathway database, [ PC2 web service]. **NOTE:** The latest version qequires Java 8 and Cytoscape 3.6. For more information, follow the links on this page.


Works with Cytoscape 3.6

Release Notes

Minor update: implemented *NetworkSearchTaskFactory* (two options: quick network query or dialog UI); renamed and slightly improved the visual styles (Binary *SIF* and *Hypergraph*); changed how values for 'name' attr. column are generated (better works with link-out).


Works with Cytoscape 3.3

Release Notes

Minor release: just updated some of its dependencies; makes sure it works with the PC9 web services and Cy 3.5.1, etc.


Works with Cytoscape 3.3

Release Notes

Simplified and improved the user interface (see the new screenshots). Updated the dependencies, tested with Pathway Commons PC8 web services and Cytoscqpe 3.4.0. Starting this version, the app does not require nor depends upon the core Cytoscape BioPAX reader app (it's got own reader and style, though very similar)!


Works with Cytoscape 3.2

Release Notes

Fixes some deadlocks and initialization issues. Should work with Cytoscape 3.2 and Java 7, but better use Cytoscape 3.3.0 or later with the updated core [ BioPAX Reader app] v3.3.0.1 and Java 8.


Works with Cytoscape 3.1

Release Notes

*Apps->CyPath2: Expand Network…* node view context menu executes a neighborhood/pathsbetween BioPAX query using selected nodes.


Works with Cytoscape 3.0


Works with Cytoscape 3.0

Release Notes

Created a new menu items under Apps->CyPath2. **Issues:**: on Windows 7, despite 'installed' status, the app cannot start.


Works with Cytoscape 3.0

Release Notes

A full-text search/filter issue fixed (due to changes in the [ PC2] server (2012/10/09)).


Version 1.2.2

License Click here

Released 5 Mar 2018

Works with Cytoscape 3.6

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Released 27 Aug 2010

Works with Cytoscape 2.8