
Integrates multiscale community detection and functional enrichment for network analysis.
CyCommunityDetection, the Cytoscape App component of Community Detection APplication and Service (CDAPS), performs multiscale community detection and functional enrichment for network analysis through a service-oriented architecture. These features are provided by integrating popular community detection algorithms and enrichment tools. All the algorithms and tools run remotely on a dedicated server. Currently supported features: * Community detection algorithms: Louvain, Infomap, OSLOM, CliXO * Functional enrichment tools: g:Profiler, Enrichr, iQuery test test


Works with Cytoscape 3.7

Release Notes

* Added support for new edge list format COMMUNITYDETECTRESULTV2 allowing Community Detection algorithms to add additional custom node columns. UD-1091 Bug fixes * Fixed bug where `View Interactions for Selected Node` no longer worked if a session was reloaded. UD-1087 * Fixed bug where any values set in the community detection or functional enrichment dialogs were lost when when reopening those dialogs. [ Issue 3]


Works with Cytoscape 3.7

Release Notes

* Added new menu option `App -> Community Detection -> Settings` that lets caller easily change CDAPS REST server. UD-1066 * Added message letting user know using weight column in Community Detection dialog is an advanced parameter. UD-988 * In Community Detection dialog replaced **About** button with info icon next to algorithm selection dropdown. UD-987 Bug fixes * Fixed bug where changes to properties under `Edit -> Properties -> CyCommunityDetection` were not being loaded. UD-986


Works with Cytoscape 3.7


Version 1.11.0

Released 18 May 2020

Works with Cytoscape 3.7

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