# What is Color Cast
Color Cast is a color scheme chooser used to enhance the color palettes within Cytoscape. Color schemes are made up of [Brewer Color Palettes](http://colorbrewer2.org/#type=sequential&scheme=BuGn&n=3).
The goal of Color Cast is to expand various color scheme types and specific color palettes to be applied to select data columns. Color schemes can be applied to nodes via the mapping types, **Sequential**, **Qualitative** and **Discrete**.
### Color Cast Mapping Types
**Sequential Mapping** - Colors are the same base color, but with increasingly darker shades of the base color.
**Qualitative** - Contrasting colors do not have a perceived order. Each color in the progressing scheme contrasts with the previous color.
**Diverging** - Two color schemes, each with differing base color, start at a given data point and become increasing darker as the data increases for one color or decreases from the other color. This scheme is to be applied to "two tailed" numeric values.